One World United Through Music
Thank you for considering a donation to Leaving a Positive Legacy, Inc.!
Positive Legacy integrates music and service to benefit people and the environment. We are grant makers who coordinate environmental and humanitarian service projects fueled by the power of music. We transcend cultural boundaries by attending to the needs and aspirations of the communities where music happens. We create sustainable support through action from musicians and fans.
All donors will receive a receipt for submission for tax-exemption immediately upon making a donation, and updates will be made regularly to keep you informed about how your donation is being put to use.
We encourage you to consider joining the Positive Legacy Fan Club by committing to a recurring donation of any amount. - monthly, quarterly, or yearly. When you elect to become a recurring donor, you are making an important commitment to the communities we serve and to the environment. This easy and efficient way of giving provides Positive Legacy with a reliable income stream, allowing us to focus more on helping integrate music and service to benefit people and the environment to create a lasting impact. Plus, your monthly gift reduces our administrative costs so we can put even more of your donation dollars to work for people and the planet. Won’t you help us by becoming a Fan today?!
Examples of the impact YOU can make:
$10 provides a nutritious meal for a family of four in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico where food is scarce and crime is on the rise as parents fight to feed their families.
$25 provides 125 eco-friendly trash bags for a monthly beach cleanup ($0.20 per bag) which will be used to remove up to 5,625 pounds of waste from a beach in the Caribbean.
$50 outfits volunteer StreamKeepers with the supplies needed to clean out and repair Trash Trouts, and thus protect Asheville's waterways.
$100 puts 40 trees in the ground in New Mexico providing food, shade and soil health, while sequestering between 12 - 20 TONS of CO2.
$150 covers the labor and materials to refurbish a used laptop to be provided to a student of a low income family. A $150 yearly donation is only $12.50 per month. Simply trade a monthly beverage and help us Leave a Positive Legacy!
$250 funds two truckloads of gravel, which is used for mixing concrete for the structural components of the school buildings in the Bahamas post-hurricane.
If you prefer, please send checks to:
2020 NE 35th St.
Lighthouse Point, FL 33064
To learn more about individual or corporate giving opportunities, please email development@positivelegacy.com.
Please take a moment to like us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. We look forward to making a difference together!
Did you know that thousands of companies match donations by employees to our organization? Please click "Double the Donation" button below to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift.